- I'm based in the U.S. So any processor that works for that where I can issue invoices works for me.
Will you draw X?
- If I've drawn it before it's a decent bet that I'd draw it again.
- If you want to know if I'll draw something specific, ask. Worst case I say no.
Turnarounds are ESTIMATES, unless we've discussed a deadline.
- I will try to honor those estimates but life gets in the way sometimes, if you ever want to inquire on the status of your order please feel free to ask.
- For queued work I will notify you when I've started working
- Could be sooner.
I will maintain two types of work, immediate and queued.
- I will start immediate work upon acceptance & receipt of payment.
- Immediate work will exist in a soft queue, I may let you know that there is a backlog before accepting your ask if this is the case.
- Queued work will enter a work queue, I am limiting the length of this queue to 3 for the time being. I will work on these in the order that they are received/appear. I may work on some items concurrently, but the order of the list is the order of priority.
Regarding revisions.
Tier 0 and Tier 1
- I will not make major revisions.
- If I've forgotten a minor detail let me know and I'll add it if possible.
Tier 2 and Tier 3
- The time for revisions is after I've sent you a sketch to approve.
- After you've approved the sketch it will get increasingly difficult to make major revisions so please call things out as soon as possible..
Tier 4
- This is a process and may be a big expense on your part so I will try to accommodate revisions through all steps of the process.
- What I mentioned for Tier 2 and 3 still applies.
- If it can't be done without significant effort I will let you know and we can discuss options.
I got more than what I asked for...
- This kind of just happens sometimes.
- What I'm charging for is the minimum level of work I'm going to do. I won't necessarily do more, but sometimes you just get in the zone y'know.
- If you're a repeat customer and your last T1 wasn't as detailed as your first T1, then ayy that's why this is here.
Tier 0
Give me a prompt and you get what you get.
Pricing:$15 Flat Fee
Payment Due:Up Front
Turnaround:1 week from acceptance & payment.
Promising a baseline level of effort, you're not going to get a shitty scribble but I might not refine the drawing. If you're asking for something more complicated on this tier expect rougher results.Examples

Tier 1
Reasonably clean sketch.
Payment Due:Up Front
Turnaround:1 week from acceptance & payment.
It'll be like the personal sketches I post, most likely. Clean, but not promising line art. May do some shading.Examples

Tier 2
Something better than a sketch.
Payment Due:Up Front
Turnaround:1-2 weeks from start.
This might be a clean blue-tone drawing, or something with quick but decent shading/coloring. Probably on the simpler side, complexity wise, e.g. Single character. Simple or no background. Busts.Examples

Tier 3
Like Tier 2, but more.
Payment Due:Half up front, half on completion.
Turnaround:1-4 weeks from start.
Rendering similar to tier 2, but more complicated or cleaner. Multiple characters, or multiple angles of the same character. Detailed background elements.Examples

Tier 4
High effort.
Payment Due:Half after sketch is provided & approved, half on completion.
Anything that falls in the high level of effort category, including but not limited to:
- Paintings.
- Clean line art.
- Colored and shaded drawings with clean line art.
- You could want a painting but a simple one, that might be cheaper than having me color clean line art.
- All depends on what you're looking for. In general, expect 100$+ if it's a reasonably complicated ask.
- These are big time commitments.
- I ask that you have a timeframe in mind when you approach me asking for this type of work.
- I work better with concrete deadlines.
- I can provide a ballpark estimate for time to complete but there have been occasions where I've taken months to complete complicated works.
- I work a full-time job and can't always dedicate all of my free time to drawing, so please keep this in mind and level your expectations accordingly.